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پست ها ارسال شده توسط kalisee

  1. از نظر من که کاره سرسی بوده !!


    برای حرفی که تریون زده بود ! اون میترسید که برن بیدار شه و اونو جمی و به رابرت لو بده و

    بگه که در حیا انجام چه کاری اونارو دیده !! پس واضحه که دستور از سمت چه کسی بوده !! فقط این که خنجرچه شکلی به دست اون رسیده یکم بحث بر انگیزه !!

  2. ادارد ستارک !!!


    Eddard Stark


    You got Eddard Stark. Trustworthy and dependable, you always stand by your word. Your friends trust and respect you fully.



    از بین دخترا هم شدم اریا


    توی جنگ کشته میشم !!

    An honourable way to go. You died in a blaze of glory.



    و خاندانم شد تارگرین

    You are adventurous and love to travel but the best thing about going away is coming home. You are compassionate, with a strong sense of justice but a certain wacky streak runs through your family and you find time to have fun too - life doesn't have to be serious all the time. You're ambitious, focused and hardworking which means you've not had too much time for love - you take it where you can get it and make sure you get what you need from it - but when you do settle down it will be with someone special, for good.
