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چند تا کوییز جالب دیگه هم هست. مثلا Would You Be Able to Claim the Iron Throne?:


من کینگ اسلیر شدم!


اینم کوییزیه که میگه متعلق به کدام دنیای فانتزی هستید:


من خوشبتخانه وستروس شدم.

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یه کوییز دیگه هم داشت که کدوم موجود افسانه ای یونانی هستین، من سیکلوپس شدم.




خیلی خوب بود...


پ.ن: اون یکی دیگه کوییز هم پیتر شدم

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سرزمین فانتزی برای منم وستروس شد من فکر میکردم برای من middle earth بشه!

موجود افسانه ای من سناتور شدم اونیکه نیمی اسبه نیمی آدمه!

اون یکی آیرون ترون من دنریس شدم.

در کل کوئیزهاش سرگرم کننده اس .

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King Robert » شنبه خرداد 24, 93 11:50 pm[/url]"]یه کوییز دیگه هم داشت که کدوم موجود افسانه ای یونانی هستین، من سیکلوپس شدم.




خیلی خوب بود...


پ.ن: اون یکی دیگه کوییز هم پیتر شدم

موجود افسانه ای یونایی برای من شد سربروس


You got the Cerberus, the 3-headed dog! You are a strong person that is able to take much punishment and turmoil. You seem to find a way to break through obstacles. In combat and confrontations you end it quick and like coming from all angles to overpower the enemy. You are a loyal companion and friend and you do not tolerate betrayal. However you sometimes have a wall up and do not want to get emotionally hurt so it takes time to get through your exterior, but once they do they will be happy they did.



اون کوییز هم پیتر بیلیش شد:/ عجب عکسی هم ازش گذاشته

Started from the bottom now you're king!

Congratulations! No one saw it coming, that is no one, but you! You started planning your way to the top before the game was even at hand and it payed off big time! Enjoy your reign over the Seven Kingdoms, but never forget that in the Game of Thrones the Iron Throne doesn't stay warm for long!


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دارد بر تخت آهنین (البته با وجور مارمولک هایی مثل پتایر بیلیش محاله )

دنیای فانتزی هم شد وستروس گرچه قطعا middle earth یا نارنیا رو 100 برابر وستروس ترجیح میدم



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من که تایوین شدم

You are a true Lion

شخصیت محبوب منه این بشر با بازی عالی چارلز دنس



یه دست شانسی زدم رابرت شدم

You are the true steel, you are the fury. You are a military genius, a giant among men, a hero among cowards. You are the champion. When you rebelled against the Mad King, you defeated him in all fronts, against all odds. You beat your nemesis Prince Rhaegar and got your revenge, but the Dragons are not all dead yet. You want to kill them to avenge your beloved wife. But aren't you the ideal man? You won wars and got the pretty-and-smart girl for a wife, not to mention seven kingdoms. But war is your only talent, and your true love is long gone, and the Seven Kingdoms cannot fill the hole in your heart...and now, your life is a mess...


یه چیزه آزمون جالبه دیگه هم که هست اینه که چه نوع جادوگری هستی



برای من که جادوگر سنتی اومد Traditional Witch شما هم بزارید


و همچنین چه نوع اژدهایی هسته هم جالبه نوشته بود 44 تا احتمال هست


برای من Marophius اژدهای دریا ها اومد

ویرایش شده در توسط مهمان

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Tywin Lannnister wo0o0o0ow !!

خوبه سیاست داره

بین زنا هم آریااااااا آریا عالیه . . .

You are Arya Stark! You have learned some hard lessons, and you have a keen sense of justice and vengeance. You're adventurous and willing to learn new skills, but you won't forget where you came from

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رهبر : Stannis Baratheon

قلعه : Winterfell

شخصیت زن نغمه ای : Arya Stark

اسطوره ی یونانی : Cyclops

نحوه ی کشته شدن در وستروس : کشته شدن توسط آدر ها در حین دفاع از دیوار


Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk

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رهبر : تایوین

خاندان : لنیستر

قلعه‌ : وینترفل

نوع مرگ : بلعیدن شدن ( ‌تسخیر ) روحم توسط آدر ها

توانایی برای تصاحب تخت آهنین : بله


چه هیولایی بودم و خبر نداشتم

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فکر میکردم شخصیتم مثل تایوین بشه واقعا



You are a true Lion, above the wolves and stags. You are more clever than most, an able marshal, and a master of political intrigue. You put your family above all else, the needs of the few before the needs of the many--or the needs of the one for that matter. Your daughter seeks to be you in every way, but you realize her brashness is a bad weakness and so favor your elder son. But he is too honorable to truly be you, and so that leaves your dwarf. Tyrion is you writ small, but with so much more waiting to be realized. If you'd only take better care of Tyrion, you'd realize he's the truest Lion of the den.

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You are a true Lion, above the wolves and stags. You are more clever than most, an able marshal, and a master of political intrigue. You put your family above all else, the needs of the few before the needs of the many--or the needs of the one for that matter. Your daughter seeks to be you in every way, but you realize her brashness is a bad weakness and so favor your elder son. But he is too honorable to truly be you, and so that leaves your dwarf. Tyrion is you writ small, but with so much more waiting to be realized. If you'd only take better care of Tyrion, you'd realize he's the truest Lion of the den.

منم که تایوین لنیستر شدم!

نمیدونم روس بولتون داره یا نه؟!


بن نبودن چه حس خوبی داره!

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برای منم استنیس در اومد ! البته بد نیست ولی ترجیح میدادم بهتر میشد


ند استارک رو داره اصلا ؟:|

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بچه ها یه کوییز دیگه هم هست که میگه کدوم دایرولف هستین

جالب بود، من لیدی در اومدم



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You are a true Lion, above the wolves and stags. You are more clever than most, an able marshal, and a master of political intrigue. You put your family above all else, the needs of the few before the needs of the many--or the needs of the one for that matter. Your daughter seeks to be you in every way, but you realize her brashness is a bad weakness and so favor your elder son. But he is too honorable to truly be you, and so that leaves your dwarf. Tyrion is you writ small, but with so much more waiting to be realized. If you'd only take better care of Tyrion, you'd realize he's the truest Lion of the den.

منم که تایوین شدم!!!!!!

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You are a true Lion, above the wolves and stags. You are more clever than most, an able marshal, and a master of political intrigue. You put your family above all else, the needs of the few before the needs of the many--or the needs of the one for that matter. Your daughter seeks to be you in every way, but you realize her brashness is a bad weakness and so favor your elder son. But he is too honorable to truly be you, and so that leaves your dwarf. Tyrion is you writ small, but with so much more waiting to be realized. If you'd only take better care of Tyrion, you'd realize he's the truest Lion of the den.

تایوین قدرتمند وبا شکوه


البته نمیزارم پسرم منو بکشه وبا پسرم هم خوب رفتار میکنم...


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اسنو،اسنو گیرش میاد دیگه!


Like Stannis, you are the underdog. You are no politician, but you know left from right. You have military skills, you are a decent warrior, you know how to inspire faith even when there is none. But your bastardy haunts you like a dread spirit, never letting go. Opportunity is slim, but you won't let it pass you when it comes. Honor and pragmatism guide you, if the Night's Watch were to listen to you, then when Winter comes, you'd all stand ready.


خاندانم شد لنيستر.

Family is very important to you - even if you don't always all see eye to eye! You have all the attributes needed to be a leader, even if it's not necessarily a role you are completely comfortable with. People see you as witty and intelligent but when the situation arises you're able to engage with those from all walks of life. You believe people should be free to love whoever they like but while you may have had one or two flings yourself, when you finally meet that special someone you'll be more than willing to devote yourself to them.


از بين زنا هم شدم دنريس


You have been forced to grow and develop quickly from a naive young girl to a strong and powerful woman. Your difficult upbringing and the obstacles in your path have given you a developed sense of empathy. Although your ambition makes you a formidable character, you have a heart of gold. You are motivated by a sense of justice for your family, and for all those who you come across.

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ادارد ستارک !!!


Eddard Stark


You got Eddard Stark. Trustworthy and dependable, you always stand by your word. Your friends trust and respect you fully.



از بین دخترا هم شدم اریا


توی جنگ کشته میشم !!

An honourable way to go. You died in a blaze of glory.



و خاندانم شد تارگرین

You are adventurous and love to travel but the best thing about going away is coming home. You are compassionate, with a strong sense of justice but a certain wacky streak runs through your family and you find time to have fun too - life doesn't have to be serious all the time. You're ambitious, focused and hardworking which means you've not had too much time for love - you take it where you can get it and make sure you get what you need from it - but when you do settle down it will be with someone special, for good.

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برای ارسال نظر یک حساب کاربری ایجاد کنید یا وارد حساب خود شوید

برای اینکه بتوانید نظر ارسال کنید نیاز دارید که کاربر سایت شوید

ایجاد یک حساب کاربری

برای حساب کاربری جدید در انجمن ما ثبت نام کنید. عضویت خیلی ساده است !

ثبت نام یک حساب کاربری جدید

ورود به حساب کاربری

دارای حساب کاربری هستید؟ از اینجا وارد شوید

ورود به حساب کاربری
